
As for e-mail addresses, please change from * to @.

Faculty members

Grad. School of Eng. Professor Hideto Miyake miyake*
MPRO*, Grad. School of Eng. Professor Takao Nakamura nakamura-takao*
Grad. School of Eng. Associate Prof. Astushi Motogaito motogaito*
Grad. School of Eng. Assistant Prof. Ryota Akaike akaike*
Opri* Assistant Prof. Hiroki Yasunaga yasunaga*


Grad. School of Eng. Researcher Yuta Tezen yuta.tezen*


Grad. School of Eng. Technical Staff Naoaki Umeda umeda*
Grad. School of Eng. Technical Support Staff Kanako Suzuki*
Grad. School of Eng. Secretary Yumiko Hayashi hayashi*

Ph.D. Student

Master and 4th grade of Bachelor student

(Master 15 peoples、4th grade of Bachelor students 8 peoples)

* MRPCO: Mie Regional Plan Co-creation Organization
* Opri: Organication for the Promotion of Regional Innovation


Miyake Group
Prof. Dr. Hideto Miyake 

Motogaito Group
Associate Prof.
Dr. Atsushi Motogaito

For future students

We are constantly looking for excellent students motivated to join our group. For Master and Ph.D. positions, please contact each professor by e-mail.